OK Grace

finished nagging....., Ok your gymnastics went wrong this morning....

Now after all, also a kick under your but!

The Grace on the outside has a little bit changed. (yes a little bit). Steriods are not for ever and there are enought way to loose that weight again. What you can do in between, see that it don't get worse. Keep your condition as good as possible, now that you use the steriods. Don't look only to the negative side of it, that will come without asking. Look to the benefits now. Cheer up so that vereyone around you see a chearfull Grace, wich you are on the inside.

See, the inside Grace is still the same, you are still the same person. See that what you loose on the outside, balance it with the inside. That will have its affect on the people around you and help you to improof your condition and looks on the outside. And within a no time you will see that middle aged fox again.

Dry your tears, take a deepbreath and start again. Don't ask a mirror for help, they are mean. They show me gray hears, and an old face. While I feel me still young and sexy. ( I am a male from around 50). OK, I am the only who sees it this way in our house but as long I beleive in it...

There are no photo's of me on the net, they only can show a gray guy with an old face in a wheelchair, he only has my name....

Wim from Holland

Some quotes to hang on:
When in the morning the sun rises, it is also ment for you!
Enjoy the good days all day long.
Bad days only last 24 hours.

From: "Grace" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "TMIC LIST" <tmic-list@eskimo.com>
Subject: [TMIC] Today with TM.....
Date: Sun, 16 Oct 2005 21:00:59 -0400

AAARGH! The day started off semi bad. Was walking through my bedroom and my toe happened to touch---just touch---a folded pair of blue jean shorts that I had lain on my floor. The end result being that I almost tripped and went into a pinwheel--old arms a flyin'---motion across my bedroom floor, to barely make it to the safety of the bed where I landed in a very unladylike heap. Next, it was off the the bathroom to attempt the morning *pee*. Still being half asleep, I very undecorously flopped down onto the commode, only to miss it by *half a numb butt cheek*, doing an unceremonious roll into the wall and toilet paper holder----but (No pun intended.) I still managed to stay seated. The bath went well. Getting dressed was another shock. Since beginning the steroids I've gained weight, but not a huge amount. Still, my underwear (I wear the old fashioned *Bubba Briefs*) should fit....Right? Wrong! The danged things curl up in a ball and sit right under my belly----I look and feel like Homer Simpson. Viewing this in my full length bedroom mirror was absolutely mortifying. There I was in all of my glory, big ol' belly sticking out like a five month pregnancy, bird legs with knobby knees, a puffy full moon face AND the worst part.......the beginnings of a moustache on my upper lip. I've also lately discovered just the hint of beginning sideburns. I'm so sad. Before TM/Devic's I was considered to be a middle aged fox, but now........OH MY!

Grace :-(

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