> Has anyone had an Epidural Steroid Injection close to the site of your 
> lesion(s)?  I had to go to a >neurosurgeon because I am having such pain from 
> my lesion, which I was told has been at    C 5-6 >and I just learned it is 
> now at C 4,5 & 6 - how did that happen!


Do you have T.M. or M.S.??

If so, I think the neurosurgeon may have a boat payment due.

An E.S.I. injection will do little to decrease your pain, and has significant 
side effects because the steroid is being injected into your body.

I'm reminded of my tale.  I went to my PCP who gave me pain pills- Oxycontin- 
that didn't really help so sent me to a Psychiatrist who taught me meditation, 
but that didn't work either so I headed off to a neurologist who ordered an MRI.

If all the MD has is a hammer, you'll get hammered.  If all they have is talk, 
you'll get talked to.

If all they have is a scewdriver, you will get  SCREWED.

Please, go to a multi-disciplinary pain clinic associated with a reputable 
Medical School.

The only reason a needle goes near my spine is for the rare spinal tap.


PS My lesion is at C5-C6, too

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