In a message dated 11/5/2005 11:13:33 AM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
They said I will be sitting in some special chair?
Yeah, it is a chair with a hole in it with a measuring utensil under it. They measure how much water or whatever it is they put in you, then you "go" in that chair (when I had it they did leave so there was some privacy), and they measure how much comes out so they can see if you are retaining and how much. Also the little nodes measure what your muscles are doing so they can see if any aren't functioning right. The little graph showed my little "stop and start" action clearly, but they really didn't tell me anything to do about that. I'd love to be able to just go and "whoosh" and accomplish everything rather than this stop and start business with both urination and BMs.
When you first get there, I think they talk with you first, ask symptoms, etc., then have you go to the bathroom in a regular bathroom before they hook you up to everything. I can't remember if they check then to see if you retained anything. Then the dr. comes and exams you, then the technician attaches all the probes, then fills you up. Then you get to sit on the little special chair.
It actually wasn't as awkward as I thought it would be beforehand. I guess I've been through enough of this stuff that I can talk about it all matter-of-factly, and I was actually looking forward to getting some answers, so that I think alleviated some of the awkwardness.
Barbara H.

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