Hey Ella - I was really surprised to hear from so many people in the group, even some newbies.  I was surprised when I finally was able to sign on and there wasn't any TMIC mail but there was one from Bernie that he was sending to some people he had on a seperate list.  Thank goodness I had one person's email address.  Everything I have saved on my other computer I can't get to.  We have talked about bringing my computer into this room, but I have just had my bedroom furniture appraised - it was my grandmother's and takes up too much room - and want to sell it soon.  There is soooo much stuff in this room, I don't even have room to try to stand up and maneuver with my walker much less bring the wheelchair in here.  The wheelchair is really big and won't fit through any of the doors anyway.  When I have to go anywhere, Warner usually pushes me in my typing chair out to the side porch which now has a wheelchair ramp and then I transfer to the wheelchair.  Sometimes I fall trying to transfer and give up and just have  the firemen come put me back in bed.  A couple of times he pushed the typing chair down the ramp to the car but once I fell out cuz he was going backwards and he had to spin in around when we got to the door.  I was supposed to go to my dr that day but instead went to the hospital cuz I fell on my hip and thigh hard and I am on so much Coumadin and have been since June that I can't be too careful.  I am supposed to go to the dr on Thursday but I don't think I am going to make it.  I haven't even tried to stand in all that time and now I am afraid.  I can't believe my PT stopped coming with no explanation.  I have called the place where she works several times and I haven't really gotten an adequate explanation.  I think she wrote in my file that she had done all she could but she didn't say anything to me.  She just quit.  Her supervisor was going to ask her and get back to me but I haven't heard a word.  This is the 2nd PT I have had at home. 
I can't write too much at one time cuz I am sitting on the bed and it is killing my back.  I'll try to write more later.  Could you send this to the group cuz I am not re-subscribed yet and I can't answer all of those people individually yet.
TM since '76 

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