Hey Ya'll,
   Well, now I am really confused folks? I sent Tom a christmas card last month, and I just now received this email from someone calling themselves Tom Carrs wife, the actual email was enclosed in mine. Here it is again....
----- Original Message -----
From: Thomas Sr
To: Bernie
Sent: Thursday, January 26, 2006 1:07 AM
Subject: RE: Emailing: Merry Christmas House

Hi Bernie,
We don't know each other but I am Tom's wife Deb. I am trying now to contact all his email friends and let them know a very sad fact. Tom passed away on December 20th. If you'd like to talk and find out more information please don't hesitate to write me at [EMAIL PROTECTED].
I am so sorry to have to let you know this way. But going through his emails finally and seeing who he got mail from and trying to let all know who might wish to know.
Thank you
So, if this a gag, it is a truly sad and really f***** up thing to do to someone! I don't know what to believe. If someone finds out whether or not it is true, please let me know.

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