Thanks Cody, Jeff and Sally for your responses. The Neurologist here in Kenya had doubted Myasthenia Gravis when Dev's eyelid was drooping and had suggested the onset of MS. But when he went to India and got the checkup done in June, both these problems were ruled out. But he was put on Baclofen then. He came back alright. After reading the side effects, we asked the docto if he could have something else, but no option was available here. so we got Tizanidine or Zanatec from India. I feel he gets more woozy after taking them. No Jeff not flu just a viral fever that was way above 103-104 degrees F for nine days continuously before the onset of TM.
I suppose as Sally says it is the fevers from infections that pulled him down........ how I hope that is true and nothing more serious!!  We will know soon. He is at this moment on a flight to India while I have to stay back and go to work!!! Anyway he will be looked after by his sister. Will forward all this to him so that he can ask the doctor the right questions.
Thanks for the good wishes, same to you, we all need it in great abundance --- don't we?
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, February 01, 2006 12:07 PM
Subject: RE: [TMIC] stiffness and regression?



My husband has TM, and was put on Pregabalin. It helped him a lot and I know others on the list have got on really well with it. For some it is a wonder drug but for others the side effects are to harsh to keep taking it.

My husband was doing fairly well but had a sever cold over New Year which has meant he is tried, can’t walk far and his balance is shot to pieces again. I know this will take months to correct itself.

Sometimes they tell you it’s a TM relapse………………………………but it can just be coz he was ill that he has these symptoms now! Keep your mind open and look after him BUT remember you need looking after too. If the career gets down or ill it’s gonna make it really hard.


Good luck


Sally in the UK


-----Original Message-----
From: Poonam Mahadev Thapa [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 31 January 2006 08:36
To: TM List
Subject: Re: [TMIC] stiffness and regression?




I am new on this list and not a patient but my husband has been suffering from TM since Nov 04. He made very good progress uptil June 05 and was walking fine(!) upto a distance of almost 800 meters without support. But then he had a urine infection with fever and E. Coli stuck on to his bladder bringing in recurrent infections. That made him very weak in the legs and since then he has been deteriorating in strength. He is travelling to India to get checked up again as Kenya is way out and the Neurologist is not familiar with the disease. He says it is a relapse of TM. Is that possible?


He had drooping left eyelid on and off for about a month then it stopped to droop on its own completely.


After that he seemed to have foot drop and that went with physiotherapy and TENS and the physio felt it wasn't foot drop at all.


He barely had spasms initially and now he walks on springs it seems. He is on Tizanidine and Gabapentin.


Anyone going through with urine infectons? We are trying cranberry extract and Uva Ursi alternately and have just come across D Mannose. Anyone ever used these herbal medicines? Do they have any side effects?  Ae they compatible with Neurontin/Gabapentin or Tizanidine / Baclofen?? Any ino or ideas about it???



regards to all


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