He has been taking antibiotics. But the infection just comes back. He is on clean intermittent catheterization, three times a day. It is a procedure involving sterilised catheter, usedwith gloves, betadine and dettol cleansing. Still the bacteria find their way in somehow. He drinks a lot of water too but the big queston is should he have something to make his urine acidic or alkaline? Any idiea about that?
wish you a bacteria free days.
----- Original Message -----
Cc: TM List
Sent: Friday, February 03, 2006 4:52 AM
Subject: Re: [TMIC] stiffness and regression? bladder infections, UTI's

> ... urine infection with fever and E. Coli stuck on to his bladder bringing in recurrent infection

Zap that with antibiotics as soon as possible. Until it is cured he cannot progress very far.

I have a relatively harmless resident colony of pseudonomas. My colony is resistent to antibiotics. Puts a bright blue-green coating where ever it lives. It starts growing on the inside of a new hose and can be seen after about ten days. By that time the rubber hose is starting to get a dull brown, so the combination is a dull olive-green. Yuck!  After two weeks, when I change my Foley catheter, I see a pale [pleasant] color on the outside of the tip of the Foley, so I infer that the bladder wall is no worse.

To keep the colony under control [Pseudonomas can be fatal.], I practice the following:

   Drink every day at least six to eight ounces of 27% cranberry juice,e.g., Northland 100% juice.

And, to flush out the bladder continuously,

   Drink LOTS of water/milk/juice. I drink over two liters of water, spaced roughly equally over the 24 hours.

> ... That made him very weak in the legs 

My legs become wimpy every time I have a non-local infection, whether UTI or upper respiratory or even repeated nights of too little sleep. Then, when I stand, I wilt like a candle near a hot stove.

> ... a relapse of TM. Is that possible?

Possible, but very unlikely unless MS is the underlying disease.

> ... side effects?  Are they compatible with ... Tizanidine

I've been doing all this for years. I also take 16 oral medications daily, including a small amount of tizanidine (=Zanaflex,) PRN.

Welcome aboard, Nima

Alton, transverse mylopathy in 1997

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