Dev my husband, also gets the tremors in his bottom. Just have to give a slight pat and they do a jiggle. But he often controls it by stretching his legs. Generally he does a lot of stretch exercises and yoga breathing.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, February 02, 2006 7:18 AM
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Muscle vibrations or tremors

                Hi you all, I have not added my two cents in  a long time, but I know something about vibrations.Yesterday was 26 yrs  with TM and I have had these vibrations for longer than I can remember.  When they come I feel them from the my chest to my feet.  At times they get to be quite troublesome.  When they are the worst I can lay my hand on my leg and feel them, usually along with them I hear a large motor running it gets loud. It feels like the whole house is vibrateing.

I hope you are all off to good start in the new year.

Ken in Central Texas

From: "Debi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <tmic-list@eskimo.com>
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Muscle vibrations or tremors
Date: Mon, 30 Jan 2006 17:19:00 -0800 (Pacific Standard Time)

Hi Barbara
I believe I have had my TM from 1978 or 79..and I have had the same feelings in my legs from time to time..also my right foot has turned up at the big toe..I'm walking on the outer side of my foot..so I get that feeling usually after I am on my feet to long..the vibration feeling never leaves me tho.
-------Original Message-------
Date: 01/30/06 05:35:51
Subject: [TMIC] Muscle vibrations or tremors
For the last few days I've been experiencing what feels like a sort of vibration or trembling feeling in some of my muscles. It seems to travel around between my chest, left forearm and thighs. I've experienced it to a smaller degree before, but never this much area at one time or for this length of time. It isn't painful or uncomfortable, and I'm not worried about it per se. It's just disconcerting. Ten years post-TM, I know that these kinds of things come and go.
Anyone else experience this?
Barbara H.

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