To Robert Cook (Bob in Houston-Springs, TX.) - and anyone else who's interested:
What you say sounds logical, but is partially incorrect.
Yes, the urine needs to be acidic, but NO, and yes, OJ is acidic, but
orange juice is NOT acidic in the body
Citrus fruits/juices are some of the main things you eat/drink to make your body (& urine)more ALKALINE.  It sounds strange, but as the food is metabolized by the body, it leaves an ALKALINE ash, and consequently has an alkalizing affect on the body.  This is true of most fruits and vegetables.  Cranberries are one of the few exceptions. 
Vitamin C, on the other hand, I believe, is usually acidic unless it's buffered, because of the ascorbic acid in it.  However, the acidity of vitamins is one thing I'm still seeking to verify, and haven't been able to find much on. 
I, too, thought this sounded strange, and therefore it was one of the first things I sought to verify when I started my degree in nutrition.  My prof explained that though it's acidic outside of the body, it's effect on the body is alkalizing.
PS: ALKALINE foods are generally very good for the body, though, especially when healing, because most people are over-acidic, and many think that being over-acidic leads to disease.  I agree, and feel that my eating mostly alkaline foods, especially since the onset of my TM, has contributed to my healing.  (I may write more on this later if anyone is interested.)

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