My lesion is at C-5,6. My banding is from my chest all the way down including my feet. I guess it is all "banding" as my feet feel all squeezed and "bound" up. It is worse some times than others. Especially when I exert myself such as trying to walk fast, under stress, etc. I have come close to wondering if I was going to have trouble breathing as my chest was being "squeezed" but never got to that point. It will be 2 years in April that I was "hit" with TM and the banding has not lessened. I have not taken any meds on a regular basis, but have valium that I take usually just when I have spasms. Can anyone suggest what medicine would help with the banding? I have to take anymore than I really need but sometimes wondering if I really need to live with this.

Gary in Michigan
----- Original Message ----- From: "Rick B" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: <>
Sent: Tuesday, February 07, 2006 2:35 AM
Subject: Re: [TMIC] TM Banding

I have the banding and my lesion is at C4, much higher than most.


Subject: Re: [TMIC] TM Banding
Date: Mon, 6 Feb 2006 14:08:10 EST

I'm curious now.  I'm learning that not everyone has this  'banding'.  So
does it depend on where the lesion is? Mine's at T6 - T8, and the tightness I
feel is just below my rib cage.  Do the locations  of other TMer's banding
depend on where their damage is on the spinal  cord?


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