This is interesting!  I NORMALLY have really LOW BP, but last time I went to the doctor it was way higher than normal, for me, though the nurse said not too high to be safe.  Grace wrote and said maybe it was HIGH BP that was causing the dizziness.  She said hers went up after getting TM.
And now, you're saying that after TM yours is lower!  (I'm getting the feeling that this is normal for TM - a myriad of quirky symptoms, and not all the same!)  But you also said that it's usually after you eat, and this is what I experienced the other day!  Hmmm!
Maybe I need to check my BP more often.
Thanks for the feedback.
PS  FYI: Before TM, I found that drinking plenty water increased my BP so I didn't pass out so easy (usually at the sight of blood  :)  This might help you.  Also, I made a note to myself to see if I'm not drinking enough water now.

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