Me too on the fizziness since TM.  If it's really bad, I take Gravol.  I keep children's liquid Gravol on hand.  Almost instant relief - works a lot faster than the adult pills or suppositories.
There are times when I get dizzy standing up or moving too quickly - that I know is my BP plumetting.  It's a different feeling.
Diane in Canada


 In a message dated 2/13/2006 2:45:42 PM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
I've had dizziness since TM. It never occurred to me to ask whether it was part of TM or not -- I just assumed it was since it came with TM onset, and, like most of my other symptoms, has gotten better but still flares up from time to time. I've had balance problems since TM onset, so I just connected the dizzniess to that -- but that's just guessing on my part. (Got a chuckle when I made a typo and put "fizziness" at first instead of dizziness. :-) ) Barbara H.
I get "fizziness" on a regular basis.  Glad you brought it up...Jude

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