Your info about TM and BP is interesting b/c I've always had really low BP.  Also, really low temp.  I guess I really fit in, don't I!  :)
People with Mitral Valve Prolapse (which I have) "who are symptomatic because of a decrease in circulating blood volume, have low blood pressure and a tendency to tire easily."   This reference goes on to say that the symptoms can be counteracted by a good intake of fluids - 8 to 10 glasses a day of water and other sugar-free and caffeine-free drinks. 
I thought this sounded weird at first, but it makes sense, physiologically, because your body keeps fluids (pressure) in a balance (inside and outside of the cells), so increased fluids could actually increase your blood volume.  (Someone correct me if I'm not explaining that right.)  When I said it helped me before, I didn't mean in specific instances when I got dizzy, but rather drinking more fluids over a period of time seemed to do away with my tendency to feel dizzy or like I was going to pass out.  You're right though, that salt can be a factor, as "salt tends to hold fluid in circulation", according to this same reference.

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