The only time I ever felt dizzy was in the hosp. The second day I was in rehab, the intake PT, brought me to the bars, now mind you I could not walk or anything and had no idea what was happening to me and all my tests were normal,....she wanted me to stand and walk! Well, I got all sweaty and dizzy and passed out in my chair after I sat down! Of course, the idiot pt lady, whom I did not like, said I had a they IMMEDIATELY, rushed me to my room, stripped my clothes, put up pads on my bed and started me on anti seizure meds 3x a day! I was out of it for a couple hours, but when I came to I felt fine and was p.od at her...I called my neuro and he told me most likely it was nothing more than a blood pressure drop. I had a brain eeg and it was fine. Tho they kept me o those stupid meds till I got home...and I weaned myself off and was fine. My BP is normally 110/70 and was the whole time in the hosp thereafter.
Tho when I would start something new in the hosp, I would get a little nervous and shake and get dizzy and almost pass out..tha did eventually subside, the stronger I got.

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