Hi all
I told my other group about Lyrca and Robyn has tried it. Well it sure worked for her and I didn't get the mgs she was on. When she posts about this I will send it over to you all. It was the best news I got for a while as far as given info I send back and forth between these 2 groups. I hope the rest have a chance to use it and if some one has called to see if the med can be reduced or given free from the drug company. Take care and hope you have a great day.
Love to all
This is part of what she wrote me.
saw my dr. on tuesday and she gave me the Lyrca (sp) you told me about
well you've sure made more than my day, sweetie, you've made my LIFE! THANX SO MUCH
absolutely, and not only that because it's helped with the neuropathy pain, I can now distinguish any discomforts I do get, so at least now I again know what pill to take for what!!
cost about $143.00 for the Rx but really worth it, and my ins. co. pays 80 % so my cost was less than $40.00 for the month's supply
Wingsofabirdie [1:01 A.M.]:  absolutely, I'm used to living with discomfort and my Dr. knows it's mild if I say wee bit of discomfort, more if I say discomfort, and really noticable pain if I say "It's really uncomfortable" but this last month or so it's been absolute P-A-I-N and I told the Dr. this I also mentioned the above meds and then she was able to Rx it for me
I am so happy she got the chance to use it and the pain is gone. I hope I can get to sleep tonight now. Sally

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