Well, I was under the impression I was on a low dosage, since I take only half of it, (300 mg) once a night. both dr;s have said I was on low dosage and my dr yesterday said since I already went off the neurotnin once with no seizure, there will prolly be no risk of me having one. I dont take it for pain at all..just the vibratiing/sensations/adreniline feelings, and lack of sleep. Unless there is something milder I can take to relieve that and let me sleep.
Seems like a pretty common drug on this list, and alot of folks from what I have read take much higher dosages than I do. I'll call both dr's tomorrow and see wha their consensus is too..when I firs started taking it, I invesatigated it on the web, read the side effects etc...guess I'll do some more...


Did ! I mention that there is danger of death during a seizure?? Death is worse than losing your license!!

You certainly have the choice. I don't want to have to tell you that "I told you so!"

The dose you are taking is a significant dose. Discuss this with your Neurologist and ask what is the probability of seizure with stopping 600 mg per day.

This is important, Neurontin is not a good drug. Did you know that Pfizer paid out hundreds of millions of dollars when they lost a law suit about Neurontin being presented to doctors as totally safe and able to be used for many diseases- like central pain- on which it didn't really work????

Google Neurontin and pfizer and suit..

Good Luck


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