I have been using Fish Oil Tablets now for about 3 months, I started to help with lowering my cholesterol but then I heard on a TV programme where some researchers here in Adelaide, had been doing human trials using it as a weight loss tool.
They suggest 6 x 1000mg  tablets per day.
Well, I have done my own tm fat girl trial and I am so happy to tell you  IT WORKS!!!!
 I have not changed my diet, exercise, not anything.
The other great benefit that I have noticed is that my skin is now so soft.  I have always had very dry skin and of course it became more so ATM.  It's now better than it's ever been which is not so shabby for a 59 year old I reckon.
I do believe also that it must improve the skin's elasticity because I'm not suffering from the drooping flesh which is so often a very unpleasant residual of huge weight loss.
I have wanted to share this for some time but thought I should stifle my impulsive temperament for a little while to make sure I wasn't dreaming.
Hope it's helpful to someone.

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