I open my windows a crack and open the shades in every room to let that sun right in....I love how it warms my rooms and makes me feel happier and even tho the air is chilly, the sun is warm and feels downright wonderful!

Hi Heather ~
   You absolutely need Magnesium with your Calcium......at least a 2:1 ratio....... I read somewhere recently that you should take even more Magnesium than that..... like the same amount of Magnesium as Calcium but I can't remember right now where I read that info. 
   And.....yes.....sitting by a sunny window counts...!!  :-)  The sun usually comes out in the afternoon here and I have to sit by the window to soak it up because it's too bloody cold to go outside.....usually only around 22 degrees during the day lately. 
   Hugs, Lynn

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