the thunderstorm is a good description for me, but add the 22 inches of snow we got on monday with thunder. today i went to pay a bill at radeioshack for jewel cases that were free with the rebate but they had to order them and then i got the flu for 2 weeks and so didn't get the rebate in in time so owed them 20 dollars. brad, who works there, is my yoga teacher's husband,, he gave her the cases to deliver to me. so i walk in and call him dan and say i'm there to pay for the cases. he says his name is brad and that his wife already paid for them. it is then i am starting to remember her telling me this and saying she will put it on my regular bill with her. i embarrassingly back out the door wondering when they won't let me live alone anymore. the whole day has been like that. i am now home and safe. sue
On Thursday, March 16, 2006, at 01:39 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi All,
This week has been so difficult.  I wonder if it is the weather/barometer going up and down, rain, dull, overcast days or medications or just plain TM.
I have been hurting more than usual, with tight, tight banding around my torso.  I have been having some sinus headaches and the big problem is (and I read somewhere not to refer to it, especially under SS circumstances), Fuzzy Brain!!!
I can't think, read, watch t.v. and am having all sorts of problems with spelling, cadence etc, while typing this.  I have to keep going back over and over things to make sure they are ok.
My brain feels like a mushy melon.  It feels like there are cobwebs all over the place, and like there is a thunderstorm going on in there, with lightning and everything.  My eyesight has been blurry all week and concentration is at a minimum.
Who else out there is feeling like this?  I don't want to think of myself as all alone.  I want someone to tell me it's sinus problems and they have it too.  I'm in Michigan, remember?
I finally dealt with the ambulance transfer from the hospital to the nursing home when my ribs got broken.  So far, the Director has offered to pick up the tab for the transfer, since it is not covered by my insurance.  Maybe I will take it a bit further/farther since I still have lots of pain in my right rib section where they were broken (3).  But I don't know.  It's been a while now, without complaint from me, so I don't know if a judge would award me anything or not.
What do all of you wonder-brains think?  :>)

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