Hello to all:  When I went to see Dr. Kerr, I offered myself for
research--and got into two studies.  They went on and on about how
valuable, etc, etc.  But I feel very strongly that  we must aid the
research in any way we can, and if that means I travel halfway across the
country a couple times a year, then so be it.  There's not that much
suffering involved, and we (collectively) HAVE to help.  Since going to
see him, I've been back up once.  I am not a true TM:  mine is caused by
B-12 deficiency:  but I still have the same symptoms: numbness, partial
paralysis, burning pain, bowel and bladder dysfunction: and depression. 
They just put me into a research group that compares TM, MS, and those
with spinal cord injury not caused by trauma(my bunch).  And my pain is
moving and increasing the last few months--any guesses about what may be
going on?


> Hi All,
> If women who bear children have a higher chance of  development of
> osteoporosis, what about women who have never had  children?
> Is it like people who have never smoked, yet get lung  cancer?
> Does anyone believe that one day the Earth will be  disease free?
> What more can we do to promote stem-cell research and  to compromise on
> the
> areas of disagreement?
> What about pain control?  When is it going to  become a priority and what
> do
> we need to do to make it one?  What about  legalizing marijuana for pain
> control?  What kinds of intelligent thoughts  are out there we can put
> into words
> that will not incite negativity in  uneducated, fearful people?
> It is said that "there is strength in numbers."   If we all band together,
> are our numbers large enough to influence knowledge and  interaction
> between the
> medical community and general  population?
> I do believe that there are worse diseases than  TM.  Still, TM is the one
> we
> are best versed in.  If each of us wants  to be part of the benefit of the
> "cure" of TM, don't we need to be part of the  solution?  We have some
> great
> minds here on the List.  I am  continually surprised and awed by the depth
> of
> knowledge we individuals  portray.
> Without Christopher and Dana as spokespersons, there  are few people left
> in
> the limelight to speak out for us.  Just call me  ignorant of how to go on
> educating and drawing attention to TM as  an individual disease and part
> of the
> category of spinal cord  injuries.
> Questions from,
> Jude

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