Thanks everyone who encouraged me to see a chiropractor! 
I finally went yesterday, and am really encouraged.  (My neuro had told me not to go.)   I consider myself especially lucky to have found one who is familiar with TM and, in general, open to learning and seems to be making an effort to really help me.  I've been in almost constant pain for several weeks due to burning and apparent inflammation in my left hip / lower back.  I'm pretty sure it's indirectly from the TM.  That is, I think that b/c my left leg was my 'good' leg, it had to overcompensate for my right leg.  Add to that the fact that I've really pushed myself to exercise and walk a lot b/c I feel I need to build my endurance to get back to work.  I think my body just wasn't ready for it, and I was probably way out of alignment already.  (I had actually felt the need to see a chiro for about a month before TM hit, but never got around to it.)
I was totally discouraged after my neuro appt at the beginning of the week!  She basically told me that since I have only a 'light case' of TM, I shouldn't be still feeling the symptoms that I do!   I'm totally aware that I was fortunate to have only a light case, and to regain my ability to walk (though nowhere near normally, yet).  But apparently my body hasn't read to book on how I should feel, as it continues to feel fatigue, banding, burning, pain in various places, etc., even though it's not supposed to!  (I'm not sure if my neuro was really puzzled or just trying to imply that I'm lazy and taking advantage of an excuse to not return to work yet!)  It was really discouraging to me, on top of the fact that she didn't even offer any suggestions on what I could do to improve!  So seeing the chiro has really been a blessing!

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