In a message dated 4/14/2006 12:45:42 P.M. Hawaiian Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
I'm not sure what "light case" of TM is.  There are many of us "walking wounded" that look just fine.  I was convinced that mine was a light case and tried to go back to work.  That was almost 12 years ago.  The fatigue is the worst. 
Thanks for replying!  That is my concern, too - going back to work.  Some days I can do very little, even though I don't have to go to work now.  I wonder how I could possibly handle the basic self-care plus working, too!  And it was particularly at the point that I mentioned fatigue that she said that with a light case, I shouldn't have a problem with that!  Plus, if I went back to work before I was ready to handle it, I'd have to wait a whole year to re-apply for SSDI, if I was out that long, again.  It seems like I'm better off to not even try until I've had time to really heal, and then be able to STAY at work until I'm ready to retire.

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