In a message dated 4/16/2006 10:46:36 A.M. Hawaiian Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
I agree, but would add that Chronic pain, especially central neuropathic pain, clogs the CNS; our brains work overtime so we use up chemicals in our brain's.  This causes both the fatigue and depression.  Chronic Fatigue adds ( or subtracts) from our  our energies, physical and emotional causing increased depression.
Do you have any input as to whether or not that would hold true for someone with a 'light case' of TM (the fatigue).  When I told my neuro that I don't know how I could possibly go back to work yet (even though I can walk), because I need to sleep 9 - 11 hrs/night, and still move slowly, and need to lie down several times during the day in order to feel ok (I don't sleep, just put my feet up), she said I shouldn't feel that way, since I only had a 'light case'.

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