Rosalie:  The neurologist gave me a tm diagnosis, but also noted that I
had a B-12 deficiency.  When I went to the 2004 Symposium, Dr Kerr noted
that a differential diagnosis (some other ailment that might look like tm
that might be present, and if found to be true, would supercede the tm
diagnosis)  is B-12 deficiency.  When I heard that, I asked him
specifically about it--subsequently became his patient, went to him, and
he confirmed that B-12 deficiency caused my spinal cord demyelination, at
L5/S1.  A classic case, he said.  Doesn't change the fact that the damage
I have causes the exact same symptoms, so I live with it like the rest of
you-  and I hang around this bunch because you all are the best thing
since sliced bread!  I love you all!


> Of course so
> far I have no diagnosis.  First thought it was Guilliane-Barre Syndrome,
> then
> TM, but my  neurologist says it was a spinal cord stroke and is quite sure
> about it.
>        In any case I have most of the symptons that most of you have but
> fortunately not alot of pain.  Some nerve pain that is like sciatic pain
> but only
> in the evening.
>        Also, the more I lie around the worse I feel.  If I spend more time
> walking (with a walker of course and using mostly hands) then I dont get
> as
> stiff and ill feeling.  I cant stand on my own yet but am working on it
> and thats
> because the muscles in my butt and my hamstrings are not working,
>        Thanks, Rosalie

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