Hello everyone
I thought I would pas this along to you. My best friend uses this stick and she has a lot of stress in her job lately and it has been helping her and I will post again once she has been on this for a few more weeks. I have seen this on tv and wondered if it worked. I pray this might help EVEN one of you, may be it will be Lyrica!! It was bought at Rite Aid. I call CVS and they have it for $7.99. Remember you have to use it before you get a head ache, if not it doesn't work, good luck.
Love you all
It's Head On..and I have 2 sticks.  I don't know if it works or not..because I don't know if I would have gotten a headache if I hadn't used it!!!  If I just think I might get a headache, I use it..and so far..no major headaches..ask me in a month because I usually get at least one good one a month!

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