Jude said, "Yes, I'm taking things for depression, but it is something going on beyond the usual medical ken."

I'm just wondering if one of the problems leading to depression for a lot of TMer's could be the inability of those who are wheel chair bound, to get sufficient exercise.  I just say this b/c exercise is supposed to be a good remedy for depression.  Walking (I'm not coordinated enough to do anything else) is one of the things that has helped me.  I'm fortunate to be able to walk - sometimes more, sometimes less, and never very fast.  But I always feel better when I'm able to get some exercise.  B vitas also helped me to get out of the depression I used to be in - years before TM.  (Maybe it was b/c the vitas gave me the energy to exercise  - ???) 

Actually, I've seen a video (true story) of a man who was so depressed after a heart attack that he wanted to kill himself, but was concerned about his family being able to claim his insurance.  He had been told to 'take it easy' when he was sent home from the hospital.  He decided that the way he'd kill himself was to NOT take it easy - he'd run himself to death.  The first day he ran until he collapsed.  But when he came to, he got up and went home, planning to try again the next day.  The next day he ran a little farther before he collapsed.  He repeated this day after day, if his effort to cause his own death.  Eventually, he was not only in very good health, but no longer depressed!

I hope this isn't depressing to people who can't run or walk - but maybe there's some other way to get exercise?  I don't know if there's some kind of exercise you can get in a wheel chair, but I'm sure it's not so easy to do!  Maybe someone has some suggestions.


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