Hello everyone,

I was just wondering if anyone has had the chance to listen to some of Tony Robbins work? It helped me more than I can explain. He's not your typical motivational "THINK POSITIVE blah blah blah" kind of guy. He teaches you to actually use your emotions in such a way that is very positive. Even the emotions that seem painful. He teaches you ways to change your perception and associations. I think it was a great investment. I bought the "Get the Edge" cd set that also came with a week of his "Personal Power" cd's.

Just a suggestion......And NO I am not on his payroll....ha ha!!

----- Original Message ----- From: "Kathryn Keen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <tmic-list@eskimo.com>; "Krissy Z" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, May 12, 2006 7:52 PM
Subject: Re: [TMIC] OT:Permission To Feel

Hello Krissy,
I felt actually the opposite with my experience. I found that when I cried and would get upset (allowing myself to feel those feelings - and understandably these feelings are valid for anyone with this awful disease, where you suddenly can't walk, and feel sick etc.). But what I found is that crying and letting myself get really upset about it all just would make me feel really ill and unable to cope. (In fact, even my crying has altered, and it comes out as this strange barking sort of sound... weird!) What I found is that if I tried to keep everything fairly calm and relaxed, try to avoid stress, and not let myself get too upset, it seems to keep me in much better health. I'm sure everyone who had this disease would have cried at times over the whole shock and upset and stress of losing one's ability to walk, and so on... have other people found that it helped them to cry? That's sure not what I found.. It just gives me an awful headache, sore throat, and go all shaky and weak and basically feeling dreadful. But being calm and trying to relax and just accept things, and trying to go forward a bit at a time, seems to work much better for me. That's just my experience, anyway...

PS Hope this message goes through. The last ones I've tried have bounced and can't get through... :-/

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