What do you take, or do, for spasticity?  I have been waking at night with my legs stiffened out like logs.  I have to consciously work at bending my knees and getting my legs to move.  I take 40 to 60 mgs. of Baclofen at bedtime and another 20 during the day.  Just wondering about asking for some Valium or something.  I'm getting some Valium anyway this week but just for taking before my MRIs on Thursday.  I'm claustrophobic but can get through the MRIs with Valium and relaxation techniques. 
I'm having MRIs of my brain to to check for more lesions and of my c spine to check the area of my neck that was broken in 2002. 
Just looking for suggestions and ideas here.

Sharon --from Arizona TM 1997 to MS 1998
It's not easy taking my problems one at a time when they refuse to get in line.  ~Ashleigh Brilliant

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