Could it be some degree of post-vacation let-down contributing to it?
It's hard to uproot the family, but is it possible to move to where you have more friends and family?
Barbara H.
In a message dated 7/13/2006 9:45:36 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
I went on vacation and I was so at peace and content and relaxed. I was happy and laughed alot. I came home and it seemed I ceased to live my life here. I have been just going thru the motions to keep myself half way sane. I feel sad, I feel lonely and bored. I feel confined to this house with the kids and I am not sure I want to be here. I want to be back on my vacation.I am realizing I have no close friends near by (most of my family and friends are in other states)...sure I have my kids and if they were older I'm not sure I WOULD have come home. But for now, I feel stuck. I cannot walk far, I cannot drive. I cant really work and am fighting for my SS disability which could take a year...I just feel like I am going thru rote motions of life. It feels like my support system at home just doesn't exist.
I'm sorry if this sounds so sad sack, I just didn't know if it was me, or the TM and depression, or just unhappy with life in general....and I needed to vent.

Krissy Zodda

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