Put your wings on and fly to Bob's BBQ, Jude!    If it were that easy. ...
Terry gets uncomfortable flying and has difficulties if it's a long flight.  In particular; getting to the bathroom.   We usually just use our true kindness along with his disabilities and approach the friendliest flight attendent and ask to be upgraded so that he's in a row directly behind or in front of the bathroom.   First class is great for coach fare!  It happens 90% of the time!  Also, he makes sure he has meds on board in case of discomfort.   Since there is no smoking on board, MedMari is out of the question..........

I have read that flying can be hard on we TM'ers.  Have any of you experienced exaggerated pain or any other difficulties while in airplanes traveling in the wild blue yonder?
Thinking about how to get to the Bar-B-Que!

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