Dunno why everybody is so bloody scared of an MS dx.   Chicken chips.......!!!
It's NOT the end of the world, u noe..... ???????
Me missus did have two attacks, the first at T-8, the second at C-5,6 seventeen months later.
Big effin deal.    All her neuro do was to put her on Avonex and it's all been OKy dOKy ever since.  Nothing more ever since.  No more attacks.  No nada.  So there.
(maybe she's one of the lucky ones.......??????)
As for posterior protection, here in Elvisland it's been so friggen hot it's dang near impossible to keep ANYTHING covered, anterior, posterior inferior or superior.   Since Monday, it's been in the low 100s fron noon till about 5 PM.     Argghhhhhh..........!!!!!!
Blame global warming, says aye; and it's only gonna get worse.  Hevin help us.
Regards,   Bobberino
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]    To: TMIC List     Sent: Wednesday, July 19, 2006 9:18 AM
Subject: Re: [TMIC] neuro appt.

basics:  TM is like the first auto-immune attack of MS.  In TM you rarely have a second attack, but in MS you have multiple attacks- every six month to three years- with slow and sure deterioration of the brain.

I had my TM attack in August 2000, and only this year did my local neuro. say that he definitely thought my diagnosis was TM.  ( the radiologist made the diagnosis in Sept, 2000).

"Covering the Ass" is a universal condition seen in all cultures.  Often one can link it to modes of dress: dresses are OK, but trousers are far better at keeping "The Ass" covered.  The extreme can be seen in the modern thong that leaves nothing uncovered except "The Ass."

I hope that explains the situation.

Outside Bar Harbor, Maine, listening to the waves on the rocks, drinking the last dregs of coffee, with only a bathrobe to cover...

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