Yes, this happens to me everytime I attend a party or fundraiser or any event that serves alcohol. I know there are people who think I am a hopeless drunk. But on the other hand the folks I go there to see know me. I generally say something smart like, "remember I walked IN to the party like this" or something like that.

We should not have to explain to everyone or every stranger what the deal is. I always think if I just got that forehead tattoo that people would just read it and stop asking. At my age (twice yours) I really enjoy the question, "What do you do for a living." to which I reply "I don't work" and from women I get, "ooo that must be nice" and "I wish I did not have to work" followed closely by "You are so lucky". I generally reply, "You have no idea."

I try to laugh it all off but I agree with you its hard sometimes.
Take care and live your life like nobody's watching.
Works for me!
----- Original Message ----- From: "Terry McLaughlin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Kevin Wolfthal" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: <>
Sent: Saturday, July 22, 2006 12:47 AM
Subject: [TMIC] Questing and Rambling

I'll preface this by saying that I may be speaking to a limited
audience since I am a college student and one of the walking wounded.

Have any of you even been in a situation like this:  You've had a
couple of drinks, but nothing to put you in the "intoxicated" state,
yet when you happen to get up to either get another drink, or go to
the restroom, some a-hole makes a comment like "woah buddy" when you
happen to stumble a little bit--even though the stumbling is not at
all alcohol related?  I've had this happen a few times and it really
gets on my nerves that someone has to be a big mouth and make a scene
about something they have no clue about.  I stumble a little and take
some time to get my balance when I stand up after sitting a long time,
and I don't need to be reminded by someone about this fact.  Drives me
up a wall.

Just needed to vent, and a bit tipsy at the moment if I might add.

Have a great weekend everyone!


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