Was your last one done under flouroscopy?  I had mine done that way and there was no bending involved.  I was a basket case because I was scared to death to have it done at all.  But it really wasn't as bad as I expected.  I drank lots of water for several days before, the day of and the day after.  The idea there is if you are really well hydrated they will have an easier time with the needle and the fluid will come out easier. I didn't have any problems afterward.  Do you have any relaxation techniques you do?  I have a few phrases that I run in my head when I have to have MRIs or other awful stuff.  (I'm claustrophobic).  I used to listen to a relaxation tape and those "catch phrases" still work for me.  Is there a line from an old song that takes you back to a relaxed state of mind?
Is yours already scheduled?
dxed w/TM 1997 then MS in 1998

Terry McLaughlin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
This might sounds a little lame, but my neuro ordered a spinal tap
under flouroscopy to continue with my testing/diagnosis. Last time I
had one was a nightmare--was having extreme neuropathic pain and
couldn't bend at the waist to allow them to put the needle in.
Needless to say, just the thought of having another one makes me

Has anyone had one recently? Or does anyone have any advice to try
and help me feel a little less like I'm going to lose my lunch?


Sharon --from Arizona TM 1997 to MS 1998
It's not easy taking my problems one at a time when they refuse to get in line.  ~Ashleigh Brilliant

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