I want to thank you all so much for all the great information and sharing that is done on this site.

I do not post very often because I'm don't feel very qualified. But I'm starting to feel a part of this awesome group.


I went to Johns Hopkins and saw Dr. Carlos Pardo. He was fantastic. There is an on going debate as to whether I have MS or TM. He gave me a thorough exam, looked thru all my X-rays, compared the ones from 2/07/02 and told me that at this point in time he would diagnosis TM. I am on Lyrica 75mg. 3 x a day. I just started that in May. But at the same time I fell and have stress fracture and have been in a wheelchair for 7 weeks. So tho my legs feel very "different" from when I was on 2400mg of Neurontin. I don't know if it's the Lyrica or the fact that I have not been allowed to put any weight whatsoever on my right leg. For me unless I can see my legs I have no idea where they are or what they're doing. I use a walker to get around. I also started Lexapro for depression after the fall. I guess it's working but there have been so many dark days. But I have a strong faith and believe with all my heart that I am never alone.. my family, my friends and my God will keep me strong.


So I have shared my latest and I hope in some way it might help someone on this list.




In hot, hot, hot Virginia!!



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