Hello all,
If any of you are not interested in receiving information about Errol's grandson, please let me know.  This information does not pertain to TM, but it does concern a member of our group that we love dearly, so I feel it important to keep you updated.
If anybody feels this is inappropriate, I will be happy to create a private mailing list to email separately.
From Errol:

       Hello our friends,
                                  Dane is fairly stable at present, still
has big problems and a new glitch with his liver has arisen, it is slightly
enlarged, could be from his heart problems, and is under investigation.  He
has been back in ICU since last Monday.  We saw him on Thursday, except for
a couple of problems attacks, he looked reasonably ok.   The specialist
surgeon will meet the parents again on Monday to further discuss surgery and
implications.  Main problem is if he has a brain bleed while on the by pass
machine, it could be fatal or leave him disabled.   His infection is down to
just under 10 now slowly progressing to the norm of five to six for babies
his age and weight.   He was 153 when admitted to hospital three weeks ago.
Also his brain bleed is healing but not as fast as his heart is likely to
fail.  It works so hard and he tires so quickly.  Thursday he had a meal via
tube and a bowel movement at the same time and caused him some stress and
the paled rapidly, however the ever alert nurse and doctor monitoring him
got him back to colour again, but it gives you one hell of a fright.
                                He is now four weeks old.  The Starlight
Foundation donated a day at the ekka to Shaun, Liv and children today.
They had a good day out togather as a family.  First time in nearly three
weeks.  The Foundation also gave presents to the other three children and
have taken an application for a "Wish" to be granted for the family when
they get through this.   Can I again thank you all and the other ladies of
the Red Hatters for your kind thoughts and prayers for our little Dane.
Nothing I have had in my life, Transverse Myelitis, heart attacks,
pacemakers and this wretched cold I finally succumed to, is too hard to
handle after I see what this little chap is battling.   Thanks again
Love and Kind Regards from Mavis and Errol (with tears in my eyes again)....
and our three little lodgers, Natalie, Nisse and Davin.   

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