SHARON, i was dx with tm 14 years ago. i have never had a lesion on my brain. it was on my spine 2 of them and other back problems. i saw a ms specialist all the tests where negative no ms. i was told that one day it could turn into ms well it has not. the lesions or the same size no change.
i have had set backs i was in the hospital NOV.05 thru
before XMAS 05 horrible pain and legs would not move. this has happened a few times thru the years but i always got back on my feet. i now have a cataract they watching from the Steriods .I loose weight on them i am just weird the docs tell me i do nothing normal.
i was told that a lesion on your brain does not mean you have ms. i had every test imaginable they thought i had ms in June of this year. my legs would not move and more pt. i was only in the hospital 2 weeks that time. all tests negative no ms.
i am walking with a walker now for safety, i can with a cane but my docs said not now when my left leg is weaker. I drive I love to exercise and i have a gym in my home which I accumulated over 14 years. i was a phys nurse and my family owns 3 dancing schools.I cannot dance now but i never say never. i like Barbara do as much as i can every day so i am taking her advice and not stop exercising.the pain is really bad  after i work out.
i go to the studios i choreograph, have my ladies clubs  I am in .I try to keep busy. my family all but 3 are gone in other states they lost all with Katrina. 5 in OK one TX and my sons family in WV I am lonely but I have to stay busy and keep these legs moving.I am lonely for my family they not coming back. life goes on and so will my husband and i. my son  wants us to move there but our home is here. i hope you get your answers and pool therapy to me is the best.

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