Wow -  has Patti hit it on  the head for me.  
I just spent the last 3 days driving back and forth from Skokie (1 hr away) to
get a new set of CLOSED MRI's. I'm very claustrophobic and this was a huge
leap for me.  But with the help of some meds I did it!.  I called the nuero
cuz I too felt/feel like I've been getting worse.  My balance and weakness are
for s--t.  I'm to the point I don't go anywhere alone.  And I actually have
had to use the cane my sister gave me even though I vowed never to use it.  I
felt if I used it I would be giving in to this stupid thing called tm.
I just picked up the reports and there are no new spots and the old ones are
not "active".   Good new cuz there's nothing new going on, bad cuz there's
nothing they can do about it.
I guess like Patti said, I have to slow down, sit down, stop pushing and start
resting.  (like that's going to be easy with 3 kids - 4 if you count a 
Also,  how does one keep the stress level out of one's life?  I don't do yoga,
I quit praying a long time ago, I quit the health club cuz the pool is too far
away from the parking lot and I can't get there by myself, and I hate to keep
paying for something I'm not using, espeacially since my daughter is going off
to college next year and I have to find out where 20-$30,000 is going to come
I'm sorry I'm rambling, but like we've said before, NO ONE knows what its
liuke to live like this besides us.  The tears are rolling down now - so I
better go.
Thanks for listening.

On Thu, 7 Sep 2006 7:07:09 -0700, pjv1234 wrote
> When I joined TMIC 3 years ago I begged for help with my memory 
> problems.  My memory is almost back to my pre TM days, but I still 
> have the same lapses problems already described by others.  My 
> balance is better, afterall, I just bragged about riding a bicycle!  
> This morning I bumped into the hallway wall and did the two steps 
> forward, one step back schuffle on the way to the bathroom.  I know why....
> I wasn't concentrating on my trip down the hall,  I was thinking 
> about the laundry. Maybe my body thought it was the washing machine 
> and was tumbling me around! I know that stress, fatigue, and lack of 
> concentration cause memory lapses.  I can't fake it.  If the my body 
> doesn't give me  away, my  mind will.  I have slow down, sit down, 
> stop pushing, and start resting.
> Patti - Michigan

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