Thank you very much for your reply!! As I was saying to one other member who emailed me directly, I don't plan on checkin out just yet. I am at a loss as to where to go from here and what future life will be like. And I am looking forward to all the support I can get. Thank you for the encouragement.

I don't get offended very easily. I was just wanting to know I guess how much people really discuss their disability issues here. (not to get into the scrabble myself, but I completely understand why one would only type in caps as I currently have lost most of the feeling in half of both my hands.  Leaving numbness from middle finger to pinky.  This makes it extremely difficult to hit that shift key for capitalizing words. I keep making mistake after mistake but just keep pluggin along)  :-)

I currently am in steroid treatments.  I was in the hospital the past couple days and now will be an outpatient.  Then home steroid treament.  After that they will discuss long-term MS care with home injections.  I don't know much about MS or its care.  I have cried much the past 48 hours which I'm sure most of you can relate.  I currently have partial paralysis from the ribcage down in both legs allowing me to only walk a small distance.  And like I said, has begun to work down my arms and through my hands.  My lesions on my spine currently are at C5 when before 5 years ago they were at T5 to T7.  One blessing is that the CAT scan on my brain came out clean and there currently are no lesions.  Though I do not understand why prognoses was made just for having two spinal attacks.  I am believing for a recovery.  And I assume that the rest is just taken one day at a time.  I know that each person is unique in their disabilities and symptoms and these diseases are just unpredictable.  I have experience various other symptoms from time to time about 6 years ago that could have related to MS. Like twitches in face, various numbness in arms and legs and even had my whole tongue go numb for two weeks (that was horrible).  So now I guess I will go forward in the learning stages of what different care options there are.  I have not a clue. 

Have a wonderful night everyone.

God Bless,

Bothell, WA

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