I was reading in an MS  magazine today about financial assistance for follow-up MRIs. I was thinking you could contact them and see if they would pay for yours.  Its the MS Association of America MRI Institute at 800-532-7667 ext 120  or [EMAIL PROTECTED].   I know you have TM and not MS but it was probably the MRI that made the diagnosis.  When most of us go in for our first MRI its to see if we have MS and we wind up with a diagnosis of TM.    Anyway, I thought you could give them a call and see if they would pay for your MRIs.  They can be pretty pricey. 
Also the drug companies have programs for uninsured customers. Ask the nurses next time you go in. And if they cant help you I think Jim Lubin has a good reference list at the www.makoa.org site that lists all the drug company programs. 
Take care,
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, September 15, 2006 3:04 PM
Subject: Re: [TMIC] p.s. Hard lessons to learn

Hi Michelle,
As you see we really are a nice group, all of us, and I am sorry about the other emails. Probably a bad pain day.
When I became disabled I got help from my state government. I do not know if all states are the same, but in Pennsylvania there is a state department that I imagine one could say oversees insurance companies in the state. And, if you call them they will also help advice you about some of your options.
I too went with BlueCross/Blue Shield as it seems they must insure anyone. Eventually, I went on disability and so now have Medicare and AARP for my supplemental insurance.
I have lesions on my spine and brain, but the doctors cannot decide just what all is going on. Yesterday, I had another test for lymes and am hoping that may be part of my problem.
Natalie Boyles

I did a lot of searching for insurance companies after my 29 months of COBRA continuance ran out.  My husband is also self employed, our insurance always came through my employment.  See if your state has a Blue Cross/Blue Shield program.  It was the insurance program that we chose for my husband, however, it does not have RX coverage.  I was unable to find anything for him with RX coverage.  No one understands the worries that this causes until they face it themselves.  His doctor has given him drug samples and I just started buying one of his perscriptions from Canada.  We were fully insured for 37 years and now we are asking for help.

Patti   Michigan

---- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> We also are not currently insurance carriers so this is obviously a HUGE
> stress for us!!  We lost our insurance a year ago due to not having my husbands
> business organized with proper books and had no records to show the state our
> income causing us to loose our medial.  So now we are in crisis mode and trying
> to find out if insurance companies cover preexisting conditions.  And of
> course we will have to try and apply for any grievance programs for all the current
> accruing hospital and doctor bills.  And life goes on.....  ;-)
> Michelle Chavez
> Bothell, WA

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