Not everybody can use Outlook or Outlook Express.   But there are other alternatives.
For those who are stuck with their mikki-maus e-mailers, I suggest you try:     They offer a very good e-mailer:  Thunderbird.  
And it can be downloaded for free.   Check it out.
There is also Eudora, but that one I know nothing about.
From: Westgold        To: bobby jim hijar ;
Sent: Thursday, September 14, 2006 8:40 PM      Subject: Re: [TMIC] Re: Caps and craps

hello all -- even if you cannot use rich text, which allows you to choose the size of the font you send out, you can adjust the size of the emails that come to you.  Open Outlook, at the top click on View, and then on Text Size -- choose Larger.  Then no matter what size people write in, you SEE it as much larger.  This is a godsend.
take care -- Michelle
Sent: Thursday, September 14, 2006 8:23 PM    Subject: [TMIC] Re: Caps and craps

Not all e-mail systems allow the sender to control the size of the font.   I've read in more than one place that AOL is one of those weird and very proprietary e-mailers that give their subscribers limited choices.  For one, they can't use Outlook Express.   Yuck.....!!!
EVERYBODY should use at least font size 14...... always.     And Tahoma is a heck of a lot more legible than Times New Roman.  Verdana is another good one.  

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