Title: AOL Email
Wow, I was gone from the List for a short time and World War III !
There hasn't been this much excitement on the List for ages!  Not since Kevin and I got into it over something equally stupid and caused a huge ruckus!
Sometimes people just get full of having to deal with all of the pain, loneliness, and boredom and something clicks and all of a sudden they are on the warpath! 
I just took a two week sabbatical from all of the email...sometimes it just gets to me.  And then look what happens...EXCITEMENT and AWE!
Actually, the List is made up of a wonderful group of people who are most loving and kind, and always at the ready to give help and advice when asked for.  There is a wealth of information in all of the brains that make up the people on this List and who really cares if someone emails are all in CAPS, as long as there is email!
I have learned so much from the people who make up this group!  They have sent me their love and support when I needed it the most.  They have sent me "get well" cards and all kinds of Love when I was "down" and who, in the beginning, directed me to all kinds of information.  And, some of the best "advice" was from some of the most obnoxious of people here!
So, hang on tight and stick with us and we will settle down and get back to business pretty soon.  Ask any questions you have, offer to share advice when you have something to share, and remember that when you see "OT" on the subject line, that it means Off Topic, and doesn't pertain to Transverse Myelitis.  I didn't know that for the longest time, and found myself in trouble quite often...still do, come to think of it!
Take care of you, Peace and Prayers, Hugs, and Sincere Thoughts,

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