I just read on Wikipedia.org that Cymbalta may take 2 to 4 weeks to work.  
There are also warnings about stopping the drug abruptly.  It said many doctors 
do not do a good job of warning of the risks of stopping abruptly.  So be 

Neuro's are so different.  My neuro gave me samples of Lyrica to take if I 
decide to switch from Neurontin and he said to make the switch immediately.  No 
weening or adjusting.  Stop Neurontin, start Lyrica.  Go figure!
Patti  -  Michigan
---- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
> Wow Margie,
> While our pain is not "all in our heads" there is something  to be said for 
> the brain/body connection.
> We, with diseases of continual pain among other things, fall  prone to a deep 
> depression caused by being in constant pain.  The  depression then causes 
> pain of its' own making and the depression/pain  problem progresses into a 
> viscous cycle building upon itself until we find  ourselves in the group of 
> people 
> with chronic pain diseases most likely to  commit suicide.
> Like most of the tri-cyclic anti=depressants, Cymbalta does  take a few weeks 
> to build up in the system before we begin to feel the  benefit of its' full 
> effects.  Why don't you give it one more try and  give it a few months before 
> deciding whether or not it is going to help  you?
> I had a difficult time trying to switch from Neurontin to  Lyrica because of 
> the intense pain and debilitating headaches, but once I  recovered from the 
> initial side effects I realized that the banding  sensation which tormented 
> me 
> from day one, was much, much better than  before and my consumption of pain 
> medication was way down  too.     
> (http://www.smileycentral.com/?partner=ZSzeb001_ZZ) 
> One thing I strongly recommend is that while a person is  weaning off of 
> Neurontin and onto Lyrica, is that they have someone help  them with their 
> daily 
> medication routine.  I found myself not being  able to recall whether or not 
> I 
> had taken my meds and I was terribly  confused when it came to changing pain 
> patches.  It is a wonder that  I did not end up as a suicide when I was in 
> that 
> state of  mind.
> Did anyone else have the confusion I did?
> Just be careful, let your friends and family know what you  are going through 
> and be sure to ask for their help.  You have  my best wishes and Prayers that 
> you make it through the transition period  without too much trouble.
> Lots of   (http://www.smileycentral.com/?partner=ZSzeb001_ZZ)  's, 
> Jude

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