Title: Current Controlled Trials Update
----- Original Message -----
From: Current Controlled Trials
Sent: 10/23/2006 6:10:43 PM
Subject: Current Controlled Trials Update October 2006

Tuesday 24 October 2006

Current Controlled Trials    Current Controlled Trials Update

In this issue...

  2006 Update of the NHS Trusts Clinical Trials Register
  Wellcome Trust Register launched
  News from ISRCTN
  Faculty of 1000 Medicine: offering multiple perspectives of a single trial
  Trials: call for papers for articles covering trial results
  A reminder of our services

Current Controlled Trials

2006 Update of the NHS Trusts Clinical Trials

  • The 2006 Update adds 268 randomised controlled trials to the ones identified in 2003, 2004 and 2005, bringing the total to over 1400 trial records.
  • The NHS Trusts Clinical Trials Register includes the following randomised controlled trials:
    1. Trials taking place in England
    2. With an end date greater than 31 March 2003
    3. In a location that is the lead centre in the case of a multicentre trial
    4. For which all research costs have been met by the NHS Trust.

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Wellcome Trust Register launched

  • This allows the Wellcome Trust to pool their register of trials with other registers in the metaRegister, enabling visitors to search across a number of major international registers in a ‘one-stop’ environment.


News from ISRCTN

  • ISRCTN registration details are now listed by MEDLINE/PubMed in their Secondary ID source tags.
  • Links from the PubMed Citation Display will shortly allow users to access the ISRCTN record with a direct link.
  • The link menu from the Citation Display also offers a choice to search the ISRCTN in PubMed and retrieve other citations having the same number.

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Faculty of 1000 Medicine: offering multiple perspectives of a single trial

A recent article in the Lancet comparing haemodiafiltration to haemodialysis has attracted evaluations from Faculty Members in three different Faculties:

  • And Andrew Davenport from the Nephrology Faculty found the article controversial because by saying the "the modality of renal replacement therapy ... did not impact on patient survival" it refuted existing thinking

Gathering different perspectives on a single article is a key component of Faculty of 1000 Medicine. To learn more, take a free trial.

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Trials: call for papers for articles covering trial results

Trials is an open access, open peer-reviewed, online journal that publishes articles concerned with randomised controlled trials in any discipline related
to health care. The journal encompasses articles on any aspect of the design, analysis and performance of a trial, and is keen to encourage articles covering trial results, whether positive or negative, from any stage of the trial.

See http://www.trialsjournal.com/info/about/ for further details of the scope of the journal.

Trials is published by BioMed Central Ltd (http://biomedcentral.com), a sister company of Current Controlled Trials Ltd.

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Current Controlled Trials

A reminder of our services

The Current Controlled Trials website allows you to search freely for trial information, to register your trial via the ISRCTN unique trial ID scheme (apply online) or to pool your existing register in the metaRegister of Controlled Trials. In addition, trial protocol and/or trial results can be published in the new Trials journal (see above) or in one of the 160+ open access journals published by Current Controlled Trial's sister company, BioMed Central.

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