You may all have seen the information on the Johns Hopkins website regarding TM but, for those who may not have read it yet, the address is
They have 3 sections: a general section, one on Long Term Care (rehabilitation) and another on Associated Diseases.  They suggest that we discuss the possibilites for rehab, etc., with our doctors.  I first saw their information last year after I had been diagnosed with TM and it looks like they may have updated some of it.
They mention many of the topics that have been discussed here recently including physiotherapy, bone density testing, etc.
I keep wishing someone would come up with a cure to what ails us but, in the meantime, I guess we have to educate ourselves and our doctors when necessary, in order to cope with the problems we face each day.  I took a printout of some of the information to my family doctor as she admitted she has no experience with this condition.
I'm new to the list and look forward to reading all the information everyone is sharing.

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