Easy to rememer, Frank:  SAD  Seasonal Affective Disorder
And add my Christmas wishes to the List!  I am having a wonderful time
preparing for Christmas.  This year is as good as last year was bad!  My
strength and Stamina have increased with the horseback therapy, and the
trigger point massage:  I don't know what I'd be like without it! Well,
yeah, last year my muscles were making my toes curl down, which added to
my problems....)  Maybe this time next year, I'll even be out of diapers!
Love to all....Cora

> HO, HO, Ho...
> Merry Christmas to each and every one of you!!!
> I have been on this listserver for about 5 years.  It seems that the
> e-mails start decreasing in early november and bottom out about at the
> Solstice then increase.
> Another effect of T.M.,  decreased sunlight causing depression- I can't
> remember the name... Another effect of T.M.
> Good Tidings and Blessings to All
> F

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