
You have found a forum for all your questions. The people on this list are awesome and will certianly try to help you! I would start by giving us some info as to how your TM began, what is life like for you now??? What medications are you taking? TM hits everyone differently and once you share with us your story those who have experienced what you have will jump in. TM is pretty rare!! We should have won the lottery instead. A good sense of humor will certainly help so hang in there and ask away.

Trudy (diagnosed with TM in 2002 ) Living in Northern Virginia, tho grew up across the river from you on Long Island.                                                                                            

Worrying does not empty tomorrow of its troubles; It empties today of its strengths.

Subject: TM Questions
Date: Mon, 15 Jan 2007 18:38:27 EST

I have some questions about TM. I was diagnosed with TM in October of 2006. I have many questions about my care, Physical Therapy, bladder issues, etc.

Is there a Q & A forum for TM?

Who can I talk to about my questions and concerns?

Thank you,
Mark Rubnitz
Marlton, NJ

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