> [Original Message]
> To: <>
> Date: 1/23/2007 10:12:32 AM
> Subject: [TMIC] Magic?
> Flu shot leads to TM ???
> If I hold tight to teddy bear, the dragon will stay under my bed
> I wish ***** was dead >>>>> Two days later he is run over by a Truck.
> If I just go back and check the stove again, There won't be fire.
> If i don't step on any cracks in the pavement, I'll be fine.
> January 23, 2007
> Do You Believe in Magic?
> A graduate school application can go sour in as many ways as a blind
date. The personal essay might seem too eager, the references too casual.
The admissions officer on duty might be nursing a grudge. Or a hangover.
> Rachel Riskind of Austin, Tex., nonetheless has a good feeling about her
chances for admittance to the University of Michigan’s exclusive graduate
program in psychology, and it’s not just a matter of her qualifications.
> On a recent afternoon, as she was working on the admissions application,
she went out for lunch with co-workers. Walking from the car to the
restaurant in a misting rain, she saw a woman stroll by with a Michigan
> “I felt it was a sign; you almost never see Michigan stuff here,” said
Ms. Riskind, 22. “And I guess I think that has given me a kind of
confidence. Even if it’s a false confidence, I know that that in itself can
help people do well.”
> Psychologists and anthropologists have typically turned to faith healers,
tribal cultures or New Age spiritualists to study the underpinnings of
belief in superstition or magical powers. Yet they could just as well have
examined their own neighbors, lab assistants or even some fellow
scientists. New research demonstrates that habits of so-called magical
thinking — the belief, for instance, that wishing harm on a loathed
colleague or relative might make him sick — are far more common than people
> These habits have little to do with religious faith, which is much more
complex because it involves large questions of morality, community and
history. But magical thinking underlies a vast, often unseen universe of
small rituals that accompany people through every waking hour of a day.
> The appetite for such beliefs appears to be rooted in the circuitry of
the brain, and for good reason. The sense of having special powers buoys
people in threatening situations, and helps soothe everyday fears and ward
off mental distress. In excess, it can lead to compulsive or delusional
behavior. This emerging portrait of magical thinking helps explain why
people who fashion themselves skeptics cling to odd rituals that seem to
make no sense, and how apparently harmless superstition may become
> The brain seems to have networks that are specialized to produce an
explicit, magical explanation in some circumstances, said Pascal Boyer, a
professor of psychology and anthropology at Washington University in St.
Louis. In an e-mail message, he said such thinking was “only one domain
where a relevant interpretation that connects all the dots, so to speak, is
preferred to a rational one.”
> Children exhibit a form of magical thinking by about 18 months, when they
begin to create imaginary worlds while playing. By age 3, most know the
difference between fantasy and reality, though they usually still believe
(with adult encouragement) in Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy. By age 8,
and sometimes earlier, they have mostly pruned away these beliefs, and the
line between magic and reality is about as clear to them as it is for
> It is no coincidence, some social scientists believe, that youngsters
begin learning about faith around the time they begin to give up on
wishing. “The point at which the culture withdraws support for belief in
Santa and the Tooth Fairy is about the same time it introduces children to
prayer,” said Jacqueline Woolley, a professor of psychology at the
University of Texas. “The mechanism is already there, kids have already
spent time believing that wishing can make things come true, and they’re
just losing faith in the efficacy of that.”
> If the tendency to think magically were no more than self-defeating
superstition, then over the pitiless history of human evolution it should
have all but disappeared in intellectually mature adults.
> Yet in a series of experiments published last summer, psychologists at
Princeton and Harvard showed how easy it was to elicit magical thinking in
well-educated young adults. In one instance, the researchers had
participants watch a blindfolded person play an arcade basketball game, and
visualize success for the player. The game, unknown to the subjects, was
rigged: the shooter could see through the blindfold, had practiced
extensively and made most of the shots.
> On questionnaires, the spectators said later that they had probably had
some role in the shooter’s success. A comparison group of participants, who
had been instructed to visualize the player lifting dumbbells, was far less
likely to claim such credit.
> In another experiment, the researchers demonstrated that young men and
women instructed on how to use a voodoo doll suspected that they might have
put a curse on a study partner who feigned a headache. And they found,
similarly, that devoted fans who watched the 2005 Super Bowl felt somewhat
responsible for the outcome, whether their team won or lost. Millions in
Chicago and Indianapolis are currently trying to channel the winning magic.
> “The question is why do people create this illusion of magical power?”
said the lead author, Emily Pronin, an assistant professor of psychology
and public affairs at Princeton. “I think in part it’s because we are
constantly exposed to our own thoughts, they are most salient to us” — and
thus we are likely to overestimate their connection to outside events.
> The brain, moreover, has evolved to make snap judgments about causation,
and will leap to conclusions well before logic can be applied. In an
experiment presented last fall at the Society for Neuroscience meeting, Ben
Parris of the University of Exeter in England presented magnetic resonance
imaging scans taken from the brains of people watching magic tricks. In
one, the magician performed a simple sleight of hand: he placed a coin in
his palm, closed his fingers over it, then opened his hand to reveal that
the coin was gone.
> Dr. Parris and his colleagues found spikes of activity in regions of the
left hemisphere of the brain that usually become engaged when people form
hypotheses in uncertain situations.
> These activations occur so quickly, other researchers say, that they
often link two events based on nothing more than coincidence: “I was just
thinking about looking up my high school girlfriend when out of the blue
she called me,” or, “The day after I began praying for a quick recovery,
she emerged from the coma.”
> For people who are generally uncertain of their own abilities, or slow to
act because of feelings of inadequacy, this kind of thinking can be an
antidote, a needed activator, said Daniel M. Wegner, a professor of
psychology at Harvard. (Dr. Wegner was a co-author of the voodoo study,
with Kimberly McCarthy of Harvard and Sylvia Rodriguez of Princeton.)
> “I deal with students like this all the time and I say, ‘Let’s get you
overconfident,’ ” Dr. Wegner said. “This feeling that your thoughts can
somehow control things can be a needed feeling” — the polar opposite of the
helplessness, he added, that so often accompanies depression.
> Magical thinking is most evident precisely when people feel most
helpless. Giora Keinan, a professor at Tel Aviv University, sent
questionnaires to 174 Israelis after the Iraqi Scud missile attacks of the
1991 gulf war. Those who reported the highest level of stress were also the
most likely to endorse magical beliefs, like “I have the feeling that the
chances of being hit during a missile attack are greater if a person whose
house was attacked is present in the sealed room,” or “To be on the safe
side, it is best to step into the sealed room right foot first.”
> “It is of interest to note,” Dr. Keinan concluded, “that persons who hold
magical beliefs or engage in magical rituals are often aware that their
thoughts, actions or both are unreasonable and irrational. Despite this
awareness, they are unable to rid themselves of such behavior.”
> On athletic fields, at the craps table or out sailing in the open ocean,
magical thinking is a way of life. Elaborate, entirely nonsensical rituals
are performed with solemn deliberation, complete with theories of magical
> “I am hoping I do not change my clothes for the rest of the season, that
I really start to stink,” said Tom Livatino, head basketball coach at
Lincoln Park High School in Chicago, who wears the same outfit as long as
his team is winning. (And it usually does.)
> The idea, Mr. Livatino said, is to do as much as possible to recreate the
environment that surrounds his team’s good play. He doesn’t change his
socks; he doesn’t empty his pockets; and he works the sideline with the
sense he has done everything possible to win. “The full commitment,” he
explained. “I’ll do anything to give us an edge.”
> Only in extreme doses can magical thinking increase the likelihood of
mental distress, studies suggest. People with obsessive-compulsive disorder
are often nearly paralyzed by the convictions that they must perform
elaborate rituals, like hand washing or special prayers, to ward off
contamination or disaster. The superstitions, perhaps harmless at the
outset, can grow into disabling defense mechanisms.
> Those whose magical thoughts can blossom into full-blown delusion and
psychosis appear to be a fundamentally different group in their own right,
said Mark Lenzenweger, a professor of clinical science, neuroscience and
cognitive psychology at Binghamton, part of the State University of New
York. “These are people for whom magical thinking is a central part of how
they view the world,” not a vague sense of having special powers, he said.
“Whereas with most people, if you were to confront them about their magical
beliefs, they would back down.”
> Reality is the most potent check on runaway magical thoughts, and in the
vast majority of people it prevents the beliefs from becoming anything more
than comforting — and disposable — private rituals. When something
important is at stake, a test or a performance or a relationship, people
don’t simply perform their private rituals: they prepare. And if their
rituals start getting in the way, they adapt quickly.
> Mr. Livatino lives and breathes basketball, but he also recently was
engaged to be married.
> “I can tell you she doesn’t like the clothes superstition,” he said. “She
has made that pretty clear.”

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