Howdy from Bobberino in Elvisland.

Your story sounds so similar to many of ours out here in cyberspace.  And your 
questions are typical, but don't stop, keep them coming.

Many of us as well have encountered skeptical relatives, friends and other 
do-gooders who really don't know a thing about TM.......  so I suggest you 
ignore them all, hit the web, and do your own research.  Reading up on TM will 
help you lots, believe me.
And yes, Johns Hopkins is a good place to go to.

As for your condition, each patient is unique and not two of us have the same 
exact symptoms, responses to treatment or reactions to meds and such.  You're 
gonna be pretty much on your own, you may see some improvement but it's hard to 
say when.   Most of us hafta wait wait and wait some more.

But hang in there, keep the faith and do as much as you can for yourself.

And ask any questions you want, however weird or intimate or inordinary.

cheers,      Bobberino       a caregiver to me missus for almost ten years now

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