Hi Everyone,

Some time ago I sent an email to the list looking for any info on Dennis 
Galvin. Well Debbie found what I was wishing would not be true.
Here is the link if you would like to read it.

Dennis was a good friend who helped me in many ways. He had so much to give.I 
will miss him.


Hi Wendy,
I have been doing more research and I am very sorry, really very sorry to have 
to tell you that your instincts were right.  I finally found the obituary for 
Dennis.  Hopefully these links will lead you to it:


If you want to share your feelings with the list, you can forward that link for 
the people on the list to see.
Take care,

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Neil & Wendy 
  To: TMA/Deborah Capen 
  Sent: Tuesday, March 06, 2007 4:31 PM
  Subject: Re: Looking for someone

  Hi Debbie,
  Well no luck finding Dennis. I am sure something happened to him, his phone & 
email are no longer in service.
  We were good friends, I wish I had his family's name & number. Now that I 
think of it , it's to late.
  I wish I could have found out what happened to him.
  He was so much help to me. I'll miss him.


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