I'm talking a lot here.  I don't mean to get tiresome, but as I've said before, 
if I can say anything that might possibly help anyone, I feel like I should do 
it.  (The rest of you can just 'delete'.  :)
But when I hear you talk about all those steroids, Bernie, I think Candida.  
And who among us hasn't had plenty?  I think I've mentioned this before, but 
I've found this to likely be one of the major factors in my problems.  ANYONE 
who has taken antibiotics, steroids, or oral birth control pills is at risk of 
developing Candidiasis!  Candida is a yeast (fungus) that everyone has in their 
body.  However, it needs to remain in some kind of a balance with the good 
bacteria and fungus in our bodies, or it can cause some serious problems!  Many 
health practitioners believe it's responsible for much more than the vaginal 
yeast infection and thrush, which the medical proffession already recognizes as 
being caused by Candida.  It's believed to also be a factor in, if not the 
direct cause of, auto-immune disease, anxiety, depression, severe leg pains, 
migraine, chronic fatigue, insomnia, and a myriad of other common complaints - 
even autism!  
Once it gets out of control, it is multiplied (fed) by eating sugar and white 
flour (simple carbohydrates) and stress!  Taking probiotics right after or with 
the medication can help to keep a healthy balance (you've heard of eating plain 
yogurt that has live cultures when you take antibiotics).  But did anyone tell 
any of us that when we were treated with steroids?  No one told me!  Usually, 
you find out these things when it's too late.  It can be treated, though, 
through diet, anti-fungal meds, or a combination of both.  If all else fails, 
it's really worth checking it out!  

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